Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Vacations with Buster

For those who may not be familiar with Buster and his owner, London Lake Pickett, you'll want to read my review of their first book, Adventures with Buster.

My children were thrilled that Buster's adventures continue in Ms. Pickett's new book, Vacations with Buster.  The illustrations by Lynda Farrington Wilson are soft and sweet renditions of Buster in a variety of settings.

Even if you haven't read her first book, the author gives a helpful recap of how she came to get Buster as her Guide Dog and also explains the difference between "Seeing Eye Dogs" and Guide Dogs.  I hadn't realized there was a difference!

Ms. Pickett also explains that many blind individuals do have some vision but not enough to allow them to carry out daily tasks safely. Her Guide Dog, Buster is able to keep her safe wherever they travel. When the harness is on, there is a sign that warns people that Buster is working so they know not to pet or distract Buster while "on the job."

I enjoyed learning about the ways Ms. Pickett educates children by visiting schools and also just in they way she teaches and instruct people who she meets as she goes about with Buster.

My kids were excited to read about Buster's continuing adventures. When I asked my 8 year old daughter if she liked one story in particular, she said, "No, they are all the same--I really, really liked them!" My 6 year thought it was especially funny when he went "Busy, Busy." She said she also liked the story about drinking from an unusual place (you'll have to read the book to find out!).

Both of Ms. Pickett's books are a wonderful introduction to the world of Guide Dogs and how helpful they are to their owners.  All the situations and places they went together were fun to read about. We learned so much about life with a Guide Dog and Ms. Pickett has a wonderfully conversational and humorous way of writing about their adventures.

We hope there will be more installments in the adventures of Ms. Pickett and Buster! If you'd like to purchase a copy of either Adventures with Buster or Vacations with Buster, you can e-mail Ms. Pickett at adventureswithbuster {at} yahoo {dot} com.

Disclaimer: I received a digital copy of Vacations with Buster for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.


London said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful review! I am working on a third book and will let you know when it is published. London, and Buster of course

Jill Stanish said...

Wonderful! It would be neat to have you upload to YouTube one of your presentations with Buster so more people can learn about Guide Dogs and meet you both as well!

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