Monday, March 21, 2016

The Last Ride by Susan K. Marlow

The Last Ride

The third book in the Circle C Milestones, The Last Ride, finds Andrea Carter on the brink of turning 16 and still loving everything about ranch life.  And then comes the news that Aunt Rebecca (stiff, fussy, domineering Aunt Rebecca) is coming to visit accompanied by Andrea's cousin Daniel who will be spending time on the ranch (his parent's last ditch effort after reform school didn't reform him!).

Not only does Andrea have to put up with her aunt's constant criticism over her dress, speech and manners, but she also has to put up with a very saucy, rebellious cousin who doesn't know what it means to work.  Somehow he's got his aunt wrapped around his finger for she can see no wrong in him.

It takes a few close calls and some damaged property to finally get the attention of Andi's older brothers.  They don't tolerate laziness and Daniel begins to learn what it means to be treated like a hired hand.  Then Andi stumbles across a very dangerous secret that Daniel has been keeping and she's too afraid to tell anyone.  Will Andi's family finally send that scalawag packing?  Will Andi's aunt succeed in persuading her mother to send her to finishing school?

Andi learns once again that growing up and growing in the Lord are a lot tougher than she thought they'd be. Thankfully she has a loving, godly family surrounding her and helping her any way they can.

I loved that Andi got reunited with a buddy from the very first Circle C books (when she was only 6 years old!).  That added another fun dimension to her adventures and learning.  I love that there is a book for any level and that girls can grow up with Andi and benefit from the wisdom of her family.

Visit the author's website to learn more about all the Circle C books.  There are so many wonderful free resources, including fabulous study guides. I highly recommend this wholesome series.  So go grab books 1-3 and be ready for adventure 4 coming out November 2016!

Disclaimer: I received The Last Ride from Kregel Publications for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.

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