Tuesday, September 5, 2023

September TBR

September brings the promise of cooler days, cozy nights, and the temptation to hibernate with a good book. Last week I was under the weather which meant some extra time for reading and I thought I'd share my to-be-read stack for this month. (Note: I have included affiliate links to the titles below for your convenience; I may receive a small commission if you purchase the book through the link).

1) Spring Begins in March by Jean Little was a treasure found a wonderful little coffee/ice cream/boutique/antique shop not too far from my home. I had wanted to introduce a friend to this magical place and while there, this book jumped out at me. I had read other books by Jean Little and appreciated the sensitive way she wrote about childhood struggles (some based on her own life). When I got home, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this was the sequel to another book I'd recently reviewed: Mine for Keeps.

2) The Accidental Feminist by Courtney Reissig was a book that my daughter found had been left behind in a vehicle. I don't remember if it's one I picked up or whether it was an old resource from a gender studies class my husband taught a while back. In any event, I was intrigued by the title and thought it a worthy challenge to my faith. The author discusses the ways that feminism has creeped into the evangelical church. Readers are challenged to examine their views of gender to see how well they align with Scripture.

3) Soldier's Heart: Reading Literature Through Peace and War at West Point by Elizabeth D. Samet was written by an English professor from West Point. I was actually hunting for another book in our home library and this title caught my eye as we recently had a daughter complete Basic Combat Training. The author talks about the benefit of classic literature in the preparation of soldiers. 

4) This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti is one that I first read in college and it is just as relevant today as when it was written. Although the story is fictional, it pulls back the veil of our world and offers the reader a glimpse into what spiritual warfare may look like between the forces of good (God's angelic army) and evil (Satan and his underlings). I am reading it aloud to my youngest daughter who  witnessed first hand a bit of that battle while working at a church camp this past summer. I wanted her to better understand God's power and the importance of being prepared to wage war against the enemy through prayer and the study & memorization of Scripture. I feel that this is a book that every believer should read. 1 Peter 5:8-9 reminds us, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings."

5) Enid Blyton: A Literary Life by Andrew Maunder recounts the life of a children's author who I have thoroughly enjoyed. Finding wholesome reading for young people is a perennial challenge and Blyton is an author whose books I can unreservedly recommend. I find it fascinating to learn more about author's lives and the influences that shaped them. If you are looking for a wholesome series to watch, I highly recommend "Malory Towers" based upon a book series Blyton wrote by that name. You can stream the series free on BYUtv.

Happy Reading!

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