Monday, December 26, 2022

Heaven and Nature Sing by Hannah Anderson

Heaven and Nature sing offers a fresh perspective on the season of advent. Each selection is an essay that offers parallels between observations from nature and life with heavenly truths.  I love the connections the author makes between the natural world and the spiritual one--it offers a really unique way of appreciating Biblical truth. Each essay takes the reader a step closer to the events of Christmas. 

Just as Jesus, in His majesty broke into the everyday world of earth, Anderson, helps the readers see the majesty and meaning in everyday things: dealing with stubborn taproots, life with pets, diminishing habitats, the reality of pathogens, or the mysteries of procreation. As readers get a glimpse into these everyday things, Anderson skillfully draws conclusions that illuminate the significance of various aspects of the Christmas story. Deeply moving and thought-provoking, this is a book that can be enjoyed at any time in the year to help preserve the wonder and beauty of a Savior coming to earth.

I recommend buying even now that the gifts have been opened, and you may begin to dismantle the decorations. Perhaps after all the holiday bustle and chaos is the perfect time to revisit Christ's anticipated birth as we anticipate his second coming. This may be the perfect book to help counteract the post-holiday letdown. So grab a copy and let heaven and nature sing in your heart today and throughout the year ahead!

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of Heaven and Nature Sing from NetGalley for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.


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