Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Adventuring Together

As parents, we desire to connect with our kids and make significant memories throughout their lifetime but for those who may not have been raised on adventure, it can be hard to know where to start. Greta Eskridge has created an adventure manual for parents who want to strengthen the connection they have with their kids. 

She opens the book with a nudge to get started. Don't wait for children to get older, the author offers great ideas for all ages. Her wise words will help parents get started in small ways and she offers tips from her own years of adventuring. Parents are encouraged to start small and just do something! 

The author shares the experiences she had with her own kids (sometimes solo, sometimes with her husband, and sometimes with other moms and kids). Readers will come away with oodles of ideas for exploring nature, appreciating art, trying new things, or simply enjoying adventures through the magic of reading.

The book concludes with information and tips for starting an adventure club with other families, how to hike with kids, making the most of a museum trip, and the nuts and bolts of starting a book club. Adventuring Together offers a fabulous array of adventures for families to try. I loved Eskridge's enthusiasm for making memories with her kids as well as her honesty in sharing some of the trips that didn't go according to plan but still offered great bonding and memories.

This book would make a great gift for any family with children. The book will encourage them to make the most of every day by finding ways to pursue adventure as a family. I highly recommend it!

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of Adventuring Together from NetGalley for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.

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