Saturday, April 24, 2021

Wild Girl: How to Have Incredible Outdoor Adventures by Helen Skelton


Helen Skelton's book, Wild Girl: How to Have Incredible Outdoor Adventures, is one of the most engaging non-fiction books I have ever read.  Reading this book is an adventure in itself! So much vibrancy, color, and enthusiasm bursts from every page!  Increasing amounts of screen time have long been the enemy of experiencing the out-of-doors and COVID has only added to that problem. As the world slowly resumes some form of normalcy, Skelton's book is the perfect lure to adventure in the natural world.

The book is divided into six different types of adventures:
  • Adventures in the Snow
  • Adventures on the Sand
  • Adventures on the Water
  • Adventures in the Mountains
  • Adventures in the Countryside
  • Adventures in the City
The book is an explosion of photographs and engaging graphics as well as fun facts sprinkled throughout.  Each section includes her gear list for each adventure, the preparation taken, as well as selections from her diary about each experience. I loved the additional information about the geographic area and fun facts about animals native to the area. 

Each chapter closes with some suggestions for modified adventures as well as some ideas for extreme adventures (all are meant to be done with adult supervision). And one of the most fascinating parts of each chapter was the "Hall of Fame" that highlighted women who had distinguished themselves in that area. Such a great way to provide young people role models of adventure!

I asked for my teen's thoughts on the book and she said, "All she's done is so impressive...This lady has grit! Good grief, I'm sore just reading it!" The author was certainly dedicated, gutsy and inspiring!

Whether you want ideas for your own future adventures or just want to experience adventure through someone else's eyes, Helen Skelton's Wild Girl is an excellent resource to kindle a spirit of adventure in anyone!

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of Wild Girl from NetGalley for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received. 

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