Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Meet Me By the Sea by Taltal Levi


Readers will need to suspend a bit of reality with this book as the young heroine in the story heads off on her own and stays outside overnight. As a parent, I had a hard time wondering how in the world a child can be gone for that long--but perhaps that carries home the point that her parents are way too focused on the wrong things. 

How appropriate for today's average parent--so distracted by work, phones, social media, etc. that they barely interact with their children. I applaud the child for knowing that nature has a calming, healing property and can be a beautiful source of peace and belonging.  

This book would be an excellent tool to help parents interact more with their child. The book has a slow, measured pace and children will enjoy exploring each lovely page. The uncomplicated pictures and the muted colors offer a nice contrast to the often overstimulation of life. I love that in these pages, a child can be drawn into the wonders of nature, and hopefully parents can learn to appreciate the benefits of slowing down.

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of Meet Me By the Sea from NetGalley for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.

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