Monday, December 21, 2020

Adorning the Dark: Thoughts on Community, Calling, and the Mystery of Making


Andrew Peterson could have not have known at the time of his book's release (October 2019) how timely his thoughts would be for the year 2020.  If ever the world has known a time of darkness (spiritual, medical, and emotional), it is during the months that have been overshadowed by Covid. 

Adorning the Dark is part memoir, part inspiration, part tool kit for creatives. Readers will get a glimpse of the ways that God has used the author to bring light through his music, poetry and writing. The highs and lows, light and darkness in his own life's journey will encourage readers to not despair in the dark but to find ways to light a candle. Often times, light is made more beautiful by its contrast to dark. There is something magical about a candle's warmth and the intimacy of it's small circle of illumination. And even a small light can help dispel fear and uncertainty.

Peterson explores the importance of community, the gift of a calling (God does have a marvelous calling for each one of us), and what he dubs the "mystery" of making. It's rather humbling to realize that God gives humans the privilege of creating beauty in many forms. For Peterson, his making is through word and music. But others may find that their "making" takes the form of photography, painting, gardening, cooking, or some vocational pursuit. What I loved was the idea that our making can be a form of worship to the Lord--the gifts we bring to Him in gratitude for all that He has done for us and through us.

At a time in history when discouragement is prevalent and uncertainty is all too familiar, I recommend grabbing a copy of Adorning the Dark and contemplating the ways God can use these days of social distance and cancelled events to breathe new life into our souls and minds. Inspiration for ways that we can seek the Lord with renewed fervor, to worship Him with greater abandon and to share His light with greater determination. 

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of Adorning the Dark through NetGalley for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.

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