Thursday, September 24, 2020

Classic Marriage: Staying in Love as Your Odometer Climbs

Having been married 29 years (the authors beat us by 8 months!), I've bought and read my share of marriage books. Some are very serious and you feel as though each chapter is a sermon. Some are just plain corny and you feel like you are watching an episode of HeeHaw (for rural folk) or Lawrence Welk (for the city folk).  And much like Goldilocks, I was always searching for something "just right."  

And now I've found it: a book with honesty about mistakes, authenticity about weaknesses, creativity for keeping love alive, and a sense of humor sprinkled throughout. Phil and Michelle have created a clever book with parallels between caring for and maintaining a classic car (a hobby that Phil is particularly good at!) and the care and maintenance required to rebuild or restore a marriage.

Classic Marriage is really like two books in one. The main part of the book will most likely be read by wives (or read jointly by husband and wife).  Realizing that not every husband has the time (or interest) in reading (much less reading about marriage), the authors included little speech balloons sprinkled throughout the text. These are basically a running commentary by Phil in which he cuts right to the bottom line for husbands.  

The book is divided into five main parts: 

  • Forever (those early days when marriage begins)
  • Family (parenting years)
  • Fun (joining hobbies and maintaining the spark in marriage)
  • Faith (the lubricant that smooths relationships)
  • Future (those sunset years when break downs may increase)
I loved the design of the book, starting with the cover (featuring an adorable picture of Phil and Michelle), followed by the clever chapter titles (printed as license plates), and the end of chapter wrap-up (appropriately called, "Tune Up Time"), offering things to discuss as a couple. I highly recommend this book as a gift for newlyweds, new parents, or even empty nesters. There is truly something for everyone--at least for those who care about improving their marriage. If that describes you, then grab yourself a copy and start enjoying the benefits of a fully restored Classic Marriage!

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of Classic Marriage for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received. The opinions expressed are my own.

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