Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Rain Before Rainbows by Smriti Prasadam-Halls

 Rain Before Rainbows

When 2020 arrived fresh and new like dawn, who could have guessed the storms that would rage in the ensuing months?  From schools closing, people maintaining social distance and self-quarantines, to the racial and political storms that have ravaged our nation.  As anxity and uncertainty prevail, now more than ever, children need hope. Hope that rainbows follow rain, that better times emerge from storms, and that there is always beauty and strength to look for and emulate.

Smriti Prasadam-Halls has penned a book that exudes hope. Hope that our struggles, the long night, the battles we face will not last forever. The optimism that radiates from each page is like being bathed in a golden glow of light. Readers will be soothed, encouraged and inspired to push through trials to the rewards that await. David Litchfield's illustrations perfectly ellucidate the message on each page. The vibrancy, color, emotion floods off the page and will draw readers into the lyrical rhythm of the story. 

Each page is a new world to explore with so many details to discover. And as the book is closed, readers will discover that litany of hope, is resonating in their heart. What a beautiful, masterful creation. Rain before Rainbows is literatry magic and deserves a place in every home, school, and public library. 

Until September 30, 2020, you can download a free digital copy of Rain Before Rainbows from Candlewick Press. The release of this book is in cooperation with Save the Children in an effort to raise awareness for the organization's mission to help foster literacy in children. Your donation to Save the Children can make a world of difference!

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