Thursday, August 8, 2019

On Snowden Mountain

I have come to trust a select number of publishers for their consistently good books.  One of those I particlarly trust is Candlewick Press, the publisher of  On Snowden Mountain, written by Jeri Watts.

Watts has crafted a tale of depth, touching on themes of loneliness, being an outsider, family dynamics, mental illness, and the affects of war. The main character, Ellen, at only twelve is left in charge of her ailing mother when her father voluntarily enlists in the military. When resources run out and she has nowhere else to turn, Ellen seeks out the help of her Aunt Pearl.

With Pearl helping to care for Ellen's mother, Ellen is able to enroll in school. But what a school! Ellen can't help comper her previous, modern, city school with the sub-par offering in the rural community where Aunt Pearl lives--it's like stepping back into the dark ages! Just imagine going from indoor plumbing to an outhouse and having to share one teacher for multiple grades! 

Ellen soon finds out that people can learn to create their own happiness and it doesn't depend on where you live or who you live with.  Ellen learns more about her mother's upbringing and comes to appreciate the strength and compassion (hidden below the surface) of her Aunt Pearl. And most importantly, Ellen finds out that friendship isn't always about what you can get, but what you can give.

This was a beautifully crafted tale about a girl who learns that while she can't change her circumstances, she can learn to rise above them.  Who would have thought that Ellen would learn so many life lessons on Snowden Mountain?

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of On Snowden Mountain for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.

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