Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A Boy and a House by Maja Kastelic

I love, love, love Maja Kastelic's wordless book, A Boy and a House. Every page is more amazing than the last with fabulously detailed drawings within.  I love the spotlight focused on our boy hero on the front cover. That light is a teasing guide as the boy follows its path through a maze of rooms and stairways to a fun surprise at the end.

Each step in his journey is truly a marvelous adventure for the eyes. Every inch of Kastelic's illustrations offer little surprises such as mice (so much cuter in books than real life) or the tantalizing tail of some unknown critter. Each picture offers floor to ceiling treasures to explore as well as the suspense of turning each page to find where the boy will go next within the story.

The muted colors interspersed with a few pops of brighter color are so beautiful. For a fascinating back story on the author and how she created this captivating book, visit here.

Wordless books can be enjoyed by any age and in any language. And the details seem to reveal themselves anew with each perusal. This book would make a wonderful springboard for children to create their own version of the story--imagining what happened before and after the pages of this book.

Don't miss this truly enchanting book. Release date is September 11, 2018 but you can pre-order this title through Amazon. It would make a fabulous gift for any child. You may even want to purchase a second copy to frame a print or two.  A beautiful addition to the field of children's literature;  I look forward to future works by Maja Kastelic!

Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of A Boy and a House from NetGalley for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.

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