Sunday, August 31, 2014

Honk the Moose

A new "junk" shop opened in town and I popped in for a look. An odd assortment of jewelry, antiques and lots of miscellany greeted me.  As I wandered into the various nooks and crannies, I found Honk the Moose staring up at me from a shelf. The cover illustration intrigued me and when I saw that the illustrations were by Kurt Wiese, my heart gave a skip.  We've enjoyed his illustrations from books like 
The Story About Ping (written by Marjorie Flack), Walter Brooks' Freddy series (about a sleuthing pig), The Five Chinese Brothers by Claire Huchet Bishop, and Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze by Elizabeth Foreman Lewis.

Honk the Moose has a mixture of full color and black and white illustrations. I love the detail in each one (reminds me somewhat of Robert McCloskey's drawing style). Two boys from Minnesota are off to hunt a moose (with an air rifle).  They come back disappointed only to find that one has taken up residence in their father's stable.  The rest of the book deals with how the father and ultimately the town, handle this unusual visitor.  Lots of old-fashioned fun and witty dialogue.  I would say I found a pretty good treasure for only $1.  Highly recommended for a read aloud on a cold winter's night!

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