Sunday, July 7, 2013

FREE TRIAL: Discovery Education Streaming Plus

Summer Streaming

In our area, July temps have soared and we are in the midst of the dog days of summer.  Some afternoons are just too hot to be outside but I don't want my kids just playing mindless computer or wii games either.  A great alternative is to take advantage of a fabulous offer from the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op for a FREE trial of Discovery Education Streaming Plus!

A couple of years ago, I bought a subscription using funds through our Home School Assistance Program and it was one of the best purchases I made that year. We enjoyed educational programs in science, math, history and language.

One thing I really liked was being able to bookmark and put into a virtual file the resources I wanted to use in the future. You can search by grade, topic, core standard, and media type. When we were studying American History, I could search through the videos by grade and gather them into a file to more easily find them later.  Many of the programs also have teacher materials to extend the learning.  If I had a particular topic I wanted one of my kids to learn about, I could create a file for them with the programs I wanted them to watch.

Our all-time favorite programs were Magic School Bus and Reading Rainbow.  But there were many others that were a wonderful complement to our studies.

Now is a great time to give this resource a try for FREE.  First you must be a member of the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op--that too is free so sign up today! Then check out the deal for Discovery Education Streaming Plus and enjoy it through August 31 for no cost at all.  During that time you can see if it's a resource worth purchasing.  Even if you decide not to purchase a subscription, you'll have several weeks to enjoy what they have to offer.

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