Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mystery of History Audio

Have you struggled to make history come alive for your children? Are you looking for a curriculum that will place figures from the Bible and the early Church next to figures of secular history? The Mystery of History is an incredible series written to do just that.

Meet the author Linda Hobar and let her explain the motivation behind writing the Mystery of History series. Three volumes are currently available (each with a companion activity book) and the 4th volume is in the works. Their product line includes texts, activity books (some volumes combine these in one book), activity pages on CD, and audio books.

Volumes I and II audio books are complete and available in mp3 or CD formats. Mp3 files can be purchased one quarter at a time; CD sets are purchased as a whole set. [Note: Volume I audio books are available for both the First and Second Editions.] Purchasing mp3 files a quarter at a time helps spread out the cost over the school year. It also enables you to try the first quarter and see how it fits into your schedule.

The audiobook for Volume III Quarter I is now available as an mp3 download for $12. The remaining quarters will be completed soon. Having the first quarter available is a great way to jump start your studies on the third volume in the series. If you have come to Mystery of History Volume III late in the semester and want to accelerate through the first quarter, the audio book is a great way to quickly cover historical ground. Or perhaps you plan to use Mystery of History next fall but would like to give your children an advance taste by using the audio over the summer.

Volume III, "The Renaissance, Reformation, and Growth of Nations" covers the time period from 1455 to 1707. Within that scope, the reader is introduced to:
  • The Medici family
  • The Inquisition
  • Christopher Columbus
  • Michelangelo
  • Martin Luther
  • Henry VIII
  • Copernicus
  • Shakespeare
  • Pocahontas
And readers will explore history from various vantage points around the world including:
  • Europe's Renaissance and Reformation
  • West Africa's rise of empires
  • India's Mogul dynasty
  • Australian Aboriginal people
  • Russia's Ivan the Terrible
  • Japan's Tokugawa family
  • North American explorers
  • Native Americans and Pilgrims
Volume III Quarter I audio is currently available with narration and no music. When the full Volume III audio is complete, users will have the option of purchasing an mp3 or CD with or without music in the background.

The quality of the audio is exceptional and was enjoyed by all ages in our house. You can listen to samples from Volume II. Visit the website and scroll down until you see the audio product with three chapters to sample. The mp3 audio is an instant download so you won't be waiting by your mailbox for its arrival--you'll be able to download and begin listening immediately. Each lesson is its own file so you can quickly and easily navigate to the exact audio file needed.

We have found the audio helpful when:
  • one or more students are called away or at other engagements during our history lesson (they can listen to the missed audio on their own)
  • we want to review the sweep of history from the quarter
  • we need a quick catch up if we have fallen behind in history
  • we are running kids to church activities or music lessons, the audio is a marvelous way to sneak in some learning!
  • Mom is sick and students can continue learning without her
  • we want to include Dad in our studies (we can listen at mealtimes with him or he can listen to the audios himself as he commutes to work)
  • we have a loooooong car trip and need help passing the time (audios are a great alternative to getting sick from reading)
Our experience
One of my kids is a history fanatic; he can listen and relisten to the Mystery of History audio files on his mp3 player. When I am swamped with household tasks, I can set my younger kids (6 and 8) up with the audio and they can color a picture while they listen to history. Even my 4 year old enjoys listening to Mystery of History. This is especially productive to do while I'm preparing supper so that even mom can listen and work at the same time!

We have used the Mystery of History series for over 4 years (spreading some volumes over more than 2 semesters). We thoroughly enjoyed the audio for Volume III Quarter 1 and will definitely incorporate these audio products into future studies.

If you are new to Mystery of History, I would encourage you to read what other students and parents have to say about the curriculum. Then visit The Mystery Gallery to see reader photos about history activities they have done as a family.

The Mystery of History is not just for homeschoolers. This series would be a great supplement for the Christian student in public school. Through the pages of The Mystery of History, they'll see the events of the Bible folded into the timeline of world events and learn the "rest of the story" often removed from secular publications. Enjoy your journey through HIS Story!

Contact Information
Website: www.themysteryofhistory.com
Email: (volunteer moms who can assist with curriculum questions):
Phone: (be note these volunteer's time zones when you call):
Anne Marie 386-569-8400 (Eastern Standard Time)
Christie 901-214-5471 (Central Standard Time)

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of Mystery of History Volume III Quarter I audio book for the purpose of review. No other compensation was received.


Julieanne said...

Nice review, Jill! Glad to hear that you enjoyed the mp3 versions of the audios as much as we did! Thank you for sending me the link to your review! :)


Jill Stanish said...

Thanks for stopping by Julieanne!

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