Saturday, October 2, 2010

Introducing HS Highlights

Are you looking for something to add a little "spark" to your school? Maybe try a different way of learning a topic? We can all get a little bored by doing the same old routine day after day. So how about trying a unit study or lapbook as a great supplement or alternative to a traditional textbook/workbook education?

You might be thinking, "How will I find the time to research and create a unit study?" Or "Where do I even begin?" The good news is that there are many places where you can purchase unit studies already compiled for you. HS is one such place and thanks to a daughter's upcoming wedding, the site owner is offering their Unit Studies and Lapbooks at a 50% discount. For the complete listing of what they offer, you can visit their website and browse around. And don't forget to check out their freebies while you are there.

You can purchase studies in the following categories:

Additionally, HS Highlights offers an incredible bargain for back issues of the following e-magazines:

I purchased the back copies of the Kidzwonder magazines and they are a fabulous resource! In these issues you'll find poetry, rebus stories, crafts, puzzles, games, coloring pages, lots of wonderful articles and unit studies as well. Print it all or print just the activity pages (the magazine has full color photos and illustrations so if you want to save ink costs, just read the articles on the computer). You won't believe what's packed in each one but trust me, your kids will love it! And there are things to entertain any age.

After you've purchased some unit studies and some inspiring magazines, how about adding a little light reading for mom as well? You can purchase novellas as well on the HS Highlights site. I had the opportunity to review "Lucky in Shamrock." Set in Shamrock, Texas, the story is about Carol, a young woman on her own and feeling like her life is going nowhere fast. Until one day when she starts to have some hope that her luck has changed. This 45 page St. Patrick's Day story is a perfect escape for an afternoon to relax with a cup of your favorite hot beverage. Sort of a fairy tale for grown-ups. And we all know there are some days when it's nice to just tune out the cares of the world. You can either snuggle up to read it at your computer or print off the e-book.

I thought my readers might enjoy a little more information from the author, Teresa Ives Lilly about herself the background on this story. She was kind enough to let me interview her.

Q: Is there really a Shamrock, Texas and have you had a chance to visit the town?

Teresa: Yes, there is a Shamrock, Texas. I have not visited it but they do have a yearly St. Patrick's Day event. I'm not sure that everyone dresses up as leprechauns, that was made up. The U Drop Inn is a real place on Route 66 in Shamrock, Texas.

Q: Was there anything in particular that inspired you to write this particular story?

Teresa: I actually wrote this to enter a Route 66 contest. I never heard back from the contest and so I extended the story. I chose Shamrock because it sounded like a really wonderful place on Route 66.

Q: I noticed novellas, unit studies and kids books on your website. Are there other types of writing you do? What type of writing is your favorite?

Teresa: I have written over 250 unit studies, two novels, this novella and a novellete. I also write some poetry. I have written articles for several children's magazines and I have a children's book coming out from Tate Publishing called, "I Don't Want to be a Pirate."

Q: What helps get your creative juices flowing?

Teresa: Hearing about different writing contests helps when they give specific themes. I don't always enter the contests, but I sometimes write based on the themes. I have many ideas I want to write about when I have time. Reading also inspires me to write stories as well.

Q: Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Teresa: Enter writing contests if you can. Try all different types of writing. I recently won third place in a writing contest for a short mystery. I love to read them but have never even considered writing one before. Read magazines that you would like to write for and practice writing articles. Don't spend too much time on the internet learning about writing and writing opportunities....spend more time writing.

Q: What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

Teresa: I run a children's resale store. I love to spend as much time with my family as possible, and I love to go on short weekend trips with my family. All of this gives me places to put into my writing.

Teresa also recently started a blog called Unit Studies Fun. Check it out and become a follower! It's a great way to get some tips on using unit studies with your kids.

I hope you've enjoyed meeting Teresa and learning more about her website, HS Highlights. While you are at her website, you can also sign up for her Yahoo group. She occasionally posts books for sale (with photos) at a very reasonable price. We've bought some great treasures this way. And don't forget to take advantage of the current discount on oodles of unit studies. They'll be sure to "spark" some great learning this year--but hurry, the sale is only through October 15th!

Happy Learning,

Disclaimer: I was provided with copies of two novellas for the purpose of reviewing and blogging about my thoughts. No additional compensation was received. The views expressed are my own and other products mentioned in this review were purchased at my own cost.

1 comment:

Teresa Lilly said...

Thanks for the interview and the review. I am now reviewing other unit studies at

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