Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Advent Book

When I first saw a copy of The Advent Book by Jack and Kathy Stockman in a local Christian bookstore, I was awestruck. The book's cover is reminiscent of medieval illustrated manuscripts. An ornately illustrated "A" in the title sets the tone for this truly amazing book. Untie the book and prepare yourself for a treat.

It's like a huge oversized board book--the pages incredibly thick and sturdy--which is good because the pages will be well used each Advent. The book pages are a series of numbered doors that you open to reveal a portion of the Christmas story. Each day you begin again on day one and reread the previous story thread adding more each day until the story is complete on Christmas Day.

Every page is an illustrated masterpiece with no two doors alike. You will marvel at the incredible detail of each drawing as well as the characters you meet behind each opened door. This book is truly breathtaking and gives you a glimpse of the glory of Christmas. If I had to choose only one Advent/Christmas book to own, this book would be it. I look forward to gifting each of our kids with a copy of this book when they establish homes of their own. For now, I can enjoy watching their delight as they take turns opening each door during advent.

You can learn more about the book and the author at The Advent Book online. You can also visit the Stockman's blog to read about how the book has impacted other families. If you don't mind some dents and dings, you can purchase a book at a considerable discount in their store. You can also subscribe to their Celebrations & Traditions newsletter at their website.
Praying that you experience anew the wonder of Christ's birth this Christmas!


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