Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Birds' Christmas Carol

There are so many wonderful books to read aloud as a family during the holiday season so during November and December, I'll be highlighting some of our perennial favorites. The Birds' Christmas Carol by Kate Wiggins is definitely a story worth re-reading each year. The good news is that you can read the entire text online at
You can also visit and check whether you can still download a copy (scroll down to November 9, 2009).

Every year it can be such a struggle to remain focused on Christ and the gift of His birth. Kids can so easily get wrapped up in making their lists of wishes and consumed by the "gimmies" for more stuff. Add to that, the frenzy of additional activities, play practices, parties during December and pretty soon tempers are short and weariness sets in.

The Birds' Christmas Carol is the perfect story to help you connect as a family. It centers on one of the Bird children whose heart is filled with a desire to love and serve in spite of her own limitations. If you happen to be snowbound, you could read this in one long afternoon, or savor it over several evenings (in front of a fireplace is even better!). Make sure that you have kleenex nearby because this is one that will make you cry. When you come to the story's conclusion, take some time to discuss as a family ways that you could reach out to others in your church, neighborhood or community.

Please share comments you have about the book or ways that your family seeks to serve others during the holiday season.


1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hi, this is great! I'm excited for you and this new adventure!! I will check in often. Lisa Kanagy

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